Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just Fucking Google it .....

Google Is Your Friend

All Smart People Use Google

It Appears That You Are Not One Of Them

Bart at a blackboard with a pro-google message
Someone thinks you are an idiot because you were too stupid to check Google before asking a question. They gave you a link to this site as a joke. The fact that you followed it pretty much proves the point.

This is for people that ask how to hack facebook and how to unzip a file & how to sfix erorrs in kali linux , & how to hack a wep . i wish you guys can go and check google.com it's an awesome website also youtube.com is even better , fans are runing away from group because of you noobies .
message to all fans that know how to use google and have knowledge 
Hope that helps.
Have a nice day.